• Remote work communication: Let’s talk

    Although it’s vitally important in all workplaces, communication can be especially challenging in a remote environment. It’s something that’s generally easy to do in person, but becomes more difficult when everyone is in different places. Here are some ways we’ve focused on communication and increased its value to everyone involved.

  • Remote work tools: What we use and how we choose them

    Sign into LinkedIn or run a quick Google search, and you’ll see that the ecosystem of business tools is becoming increasingly crowded. Especially when you work remotely, like us, you are very reliant on finding the right tools for the job. How do you find the ones that help you succeed?

  • Reference stories: A fair way to get up to par

    Just like how hours work globally because we all take our cues from the World Clock, teams need to base their decisions using the same benchmarks to unlock the true value of story points and team velocity. This can be accomplished by using reference stories.

  • You down with ITP?

    Building and keeping trust among web users is paramount to publishers and content creators alike, and many people feel betrayed when their web activity and private data are acquired by third-parties without consent. With the release of ITP 2.1, now on beta releases of iOS 12.2 and Safari 12.1 on macOS High Sierra and Mojave, both third-party and first-party cookies are affected.

  • A tale of two capacities

    There’s a saying that people invariably attribute to wherever they live: if you don’t like the weather in [PLACE] wait five minutes. That said, more often than not, the opposite is true. Whether for a sprint, or for the real world, a great way to predict tomorrow’s weather is to look at yesterday’s. You won’t always be right (and likely never exactly right), but you will be close enough to not die from exposure to the elements – or misread your velocity.

  • Public disclosure of Slack single-channel guest directory iteration

    TLDR; an unpatched Slack API behavior allows single or multi-channel guests to query your entire Slack Workspace directory including names, titles, emails, phone numbers, administration status, inactive/deleted accounts, custom profile fields, and even other single-channel guests from different channels.

  • Discovery workshop 101: Plan your next project in a flash

    First impressions matter. By carefully planning a discovery workshop for your project, you can ensure that you’ll hit the ground running and that everyone is equally invested in, approving of, and informed about the project’s goals and next steps. Over the years, we’ve had a lot of experience organizing discovery meetings and workshops.

  • Creating an ideal epic

    What I like most about managing projects with Jira is the level of organization and filtering I can achieve by tagging stories. As someone who used to keep his CD collection in alphabetical order by artist (with secondary ordering by year), I am deeply satisfied by how the tagging options help me structure projects. I am a Jira nerd and proud of it!

  • A dive into Freer|Sackler voice apps and online collections with Alexa

    This year we had the pleasure of attending AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo in Phoenix, Arizona. With the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery’s Chief Digital Officer Courtney OCallaghan, we had the opportunity to present on the advancements Alley Interactive has been working on with the Freer|Sackler in creating their Alexa Skill and bringing their TMS collection online with WordPress and Elasticsearch.

  • Rethinking 5 misconceptions about website accessibility

    Years ago, I didn’t understand what designing websites for accessibility really meant. I thought that accessibility guidelines would only benefit a few users, that they would introduce unsatisfying design limitations, and that following them would take more time and money.